313 Days Until Our Rally

North Florida Chapters


The Florida on Safari chapter was established in 1991 as a Safari manufacturer’s club but is now open to any FMCA Member.  While we have some out of state members, we also have members from St. John’s county to Cape Coral, and from Atlantic to the Gulf.  Our rally year generally follows the public school schedule (Oct to May).  We include the Tampa RV Supershow in January and SEA rally in February or the FMCA when held in Perry, GA , in March, and encourage our members to participate with us as often as they can, and to host a rally at a favorite campground.  We leave the summer open for more extended travel that someOu members like.  For example, in 2024 the FMCA Convention is being held in Redmond, OR.  Have you explored this wonderful country?  There is lots of our wonderful country you can see this way.

We would love to have you join us for one of these rallies. We don’t care what your RV is, we will have plenty of fellowship, fun, and good food.  Contact our chapter president for more information.


Gary L Smith
DEBARY, FL 32713-2346


Gary Smith

Gary SmithF256841President
Betty Stefani F377089Vice President
Karen SmithF256841Secretary
Harry McClainF377089Treasurer
Gary SmithF256841National Director

The Gulf Coasters welcomes new members who own Class A, B, or C motor homes. Our chapter was formed on June 3, 1985. We currently have 29 active coaches who primarily live in the NW Florida region and Mobile, Alabama aea. Our region for members is west of Tallahassee at Hwy 19 to the eastern Louisiana state line, encompasing Florida, Alabama, and Mississippi coastlines. We meet once a month, usually the third weekend. November and December rallies are the second weekend. Rallies begin on Friday and end on Sunday. Several members like to arrive early to enjoy the park, area, shopping, and fellowship. Our rally hosts choose the venue, rally theme, and menus for Friday dinner and Saturday breakfast. A business meeting follows Saturday breakfast. Saturday dinner and Sunday breakfast are potluck, where we enjoy delicious foods from our great cooks. We also enjoy Happy Hour before dinner. The Sandpiper, our monthly newsletter, lists upcoming rallies, events, and info on members. Looking for a fun group to share in your RVing experience? Come join us for a weekend. We look forward to meeting you and would like to have you as a member of the Gulf Coasters Chapter. Happy trails and safe travels!

Rick Zelius


Rick ZeliusF434329President
Connie CantrellF461208Vice President
Brenda S DupreF424134Secretary
Sandra C DorsettF357637Treasurer
John H BrightF320583National Director
Joan R HaigF434776

Alternate National Director

Brenda S DupreF424134

Newsletter Editor

Membership is open to owners of all motorized models manufactured by or acquired by Monaco RV LLC, Monaco Coach Corporation, Royale Coach, and coaches manufactures by Executive Industries and all Monaco coaches manufactured prior to 1992. This Southeast Area chapter is based primarily east of the Mississippi and welcomes members from any state. Dues are $15 per year with a $20 initiation fee that covers the cost for name badges. A newsletter is produced four to five times a year and is provided to members having access to the internet via e-mail. U.S. mail is used if requested by the member or if internet access is not available. Two or three rallies are scheduled each year; usually in the Eastern or Southeast area. Our rallies are planned and coordinated by members and promote fellowship and social activities. One rally is always scheduled the week prior to Southeast’s Area rally which is currently being held in Brooksville, FL. Membership base is approximately 150 coach owners. Shirts with the chapter name and logo are available.

Carol L Keeley
12530 LOUIS ST


James J KeeleyF145455President
Carl HicksF417070Vice President
Carol L KeeleyF145455Secretary
J J TuckerF269097Treasurer
Maxine E SchrempF046727National Director
James SandersF105287D

Alternate National Director

Maxine E SchrempF046727

Newsletter Editor

Our Motto is simple – “Explore With Us, Stress Free”. Friendship, fun, fellowship and food – that’s Northeast Florida Campers RV Club (NEFC). Established in 2003, by a group of African American RVers in the Jacksonville, Florida vicinity, we are a chapter of, not only FMCA, but also the National African American RV Association (NAARVA). We are an active club with 5 rallies/outings each year, held in Florida, Georgia and South Carolina. Whether it’s a fun-filled event like the 70’s Throwback Weekend, a Wii Bowling Tournament, Morning Health Walk, or just relaxing in the sun, each rally includes social, recreational, wellness and business activities. Our dedicated members also participate in regional and national rallies, as well as events such as the Mardi Gras, the Essence Festival, the Florida Classic and RV caravan trips. Our charitable arm, the NEFC Foundation, Inc., supports families and community groups in the Northeast Florida vicinity. Our NEFC Scholarship program encourages young people to reach their full potential and contribute to their communities. New members are welcome.

Willie S Washington



Willie S WashingtonF428860President
James R BrooksF464482Vice President
Peggy T BoothF465090Secretary
Elizabeth B WashingtonF428860Treasurer
James R BrooksF464482National Director
Frank T MarshallF419934

Alternate National Director


The Magnolia Travelers is a local chapter of the National Family Motor Coach Association (FMCA) and is comprised of members who reside generally in the North Alabama area of the Tennessee Valley. However, we welcome membership for anyone living in Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, or southern Tennessee. Members of the Magnolia Travelers must belong to the national organization as well. We are a fun loving` laid-back group that usually meets 6 times a year for local rallies. Rally locations are selected in the southeast US to be within an easy one-day drive for our members. We usually meet the first full weekend in February, April, June, August, October, and December. Official rally days are Thursday through Saturday, but we have so much fun that many arrive early and most stay through Sunday morning for devotions by our Chaplain. Our Wagonmasters are aggressive in searching out neat locations to visit.< Our rallies include some structured group activities but also allow adequate free time for shopping, exploring, shopping, entertainment, shopping, etc. We generally have game time (dominoes, card games) each evening. We also seem to eat pretty well too – great cooks! Annual dues are $20.00 per family unit, assessed each calendar year. Rally fees are only $7.50 per person attending – a great bargain! For more information, please feel free to contact us.

Jerry Gregg


Bobby T HilleyF443044President
Tom EllerF189521Vice President
Debra K PhillipsF437696Secretary
Linda M LongF294863Treasurer
Jerry GreggF205243National Director
Justin D HollisF375218Alternate National Director
Jerry GreggF205243Newsletter Editor

The SE Happy People chapter members are a regional group located in FMCA’s Southeast Area.

Margie Rodgers
PMB 4921
P O BOX 2577



Margie RodgersF400571President
Rosalie ComiskyF334503Vice President
Betty B HowardF334503Secretary
Dale KoepkaF343910Treasurer
Susan C BalmertF260271National Director
Ethel SawyerF151445Alternate National Director

We’re Nuts About Buses This Chapter of FMCA was chartered in 1989 by and for folks who own bus conversions. And what’s a bus conversion, you might ask? It is an intercity or transit coach (e.g., a passenger bus, like a Greyhound) that has been converted to a custom motor home. These do-it-your-own-way recreational vehicles are each one-of-a kind, and chapter members enjoy the special camaraderie that comes from sharing the unique challenges that one can encounter with a bus conversion! The Southeast Bus Nuts Chapter has four rallies each year – a Valentine’s Rally; a Spring Rally (usually late March or April); a Halloween Rally; and a New Year’s Rally. Most of the rallies take place within Florida and Georgia, but rallies have also been held as far afield as North Carolina. But no matter where, we always have fun and fellowship! nitial costs to join is $40.00 – for 2 name badges and 1 year membership. If you only need 1 name badge the cost is $30.00. Renewal dues are $15.00.

Ron V Daniels
STEM, NC 27581-9647



Craig L BowenF419265President
Manuel MontesinoF385289Vice President
Ron V DanielsF369978Secretary
Beverly I BowenF419265Treasurer
George ShowmanF001007SNational Director
Craig L BowenF419265Alternate National Director
Michael HeronF225072Newsletter Editor

June 2019 Newsletter

The Sunwheelers became a chapter in the FMCA in 1974.  We are made up of campers that like to have fun.  Our demographic center is Northeast Florida and Southeast Georgia.  We meet once a month with the exception of July and August.  Rallies are normally the 2nd weekend of the month and are scheduled at locations 125-175 miles from Jacksonville, FL.  However, there are exceptions to the rule.  Our rallies are held on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and end after breakfast on Sunday morning.

Thursday is for setting up and sitting outside in our lawn chairs to catch up with one another. On Friday mornings (weather permitting), golfers take off for a round of golf.  The rest of the the group may attend an organized luncheon/event, do a little sight-seeing, and/or work a puzzle.  Then, we all join back together at 3 p.m. for Happy Hour and go out to dinner that evening.  Saturday morning breakfast is served by our volunteer weekend host/hostess.  The group may meet up after 10 a.m. to have a corn hole tournament, play bingo, puzzle or play cards.  Happy Hour is at 3 p.m.  Dinner is served by our volunteer host/hostess with everyone bringing a side dish or dessert.  Then, sometimes a short business meeting will follow dinner.  The Sunwheelers will close the evening with card playing, puzzling, or sitting around a good old campfire socializing or playing trivia. On Sunday morning, a continental breakfast is served by our volunteer host/hostess.  One thing for sure, you will never go away hungry.

Also, we have activities throughout the year that support designated charities.  The friends you make will become lifelong friends.  Sometimes, we think the weekends are just not long enough.  If you would like to experience a weekend as a Sunwheeler, please contact me at the information listed below.  It is our policy to require prospective members to attend 2 rallies in their RV before submitting their application to join the Sunwheelers.



John McGraw President
Jim O’Connor Vice President
Debbie Davis Secretary
Carol Bentley Treasurer
Keith Tindall National Director
Jim O’Connor Alternate National Director
  Newsletter Editor

The Suwannee Valley Vagabonds chapter was started in 1990 and we have been having fun ever since. We are a north-central Florida chapter that holds monthly weekend rallies from September through May, usually the second weekend of the month. Our reservations/confirmations are required two weeks in advance for planning purposes and many campgrounds require that as well. Our interests are social, eating, shopping, outdoor/indoor games, cards and board games. If there is a local activity going on we may include it. Our typical weekend rally starts on Friday, with some arrivals earlier than that as a personal preference. As we arrive there is social time, and dinner at a local restaurant on Friday night. Saturday breakfast is provided by the hosts for the weekend, followed by business or announcements. Saturday evening dinner is usually a pot luck meal with the hosts providing the meat. We do love to eat. Saturday evening is game and social time. Sunday morning is continental breakfast by the hosts and saying goodbye for another month. We think you will like our group of friendly people. Come and see for yourself.

Ruth Taber

15205 W Hwy 316
Williston, FL 32696 352-502-2564


Chris MinnichF514429President
Jack WebbF528706Vice President
Ruth TaberF492547Secretary
Jean GeorgiF503210Treasurer
Carl Rich F492752National Director
Open Alternate National Director
  Newsletter Editor